Examples of some of my photoshop fun over the years.
Examples of some of my photoshop fun over the years.
A bike.. If I Could Ever Build One... I'd probably make it look like this... cuz I'm weird like that.
Reflisa - Whats better than a Mona Lisa with the robot head from the game Reflex FPS
Reflisa - Whats better than a Mona Lisa with the robot head from the game Reflex FPS
Reflex FPS logo concept
Reflex FPS logo concept
Quake Champions Doom Slayers special ability mixed with Mike Tysons Punch Out. There was a time that the ability was so brokenly overpowered that jokes were flying... so I brought this one to life.
Quake Champions Doom Slayers special ability mixed with Mike Tysons Punch Out. There was a time that the ability was so brokenly overpowered that jokes were flying... so I brought this one to life.
Pro Quake Players being photoshopped & Idolized for eternity.
Pro Quake Players being photoshopped & Idolized for eternity.
Michael "dooi" Dewey "Dooigi" After he won ?Quake Open League 2018?