
Basic Drivers

Again, always overlooked or forgotten, Make sure you install the most up to date drivers and not to forget to install any drivers. Or, install the drivers that work best for your hardware, which is very common.

1. Updated drivers include fixes, forgotten files, performance enhancements that may not seem obvious to most people but they truly are there and have been proven to exist. Sometimes updates include fixes for hardware conflicts and firmware upgrades that can effect input consistencies.

2. Forgetting to install drivers is easy because windows does so many things automatically. Even make sure you don't forget to install .Net Framework and the one I always forget... DirectX which effects performance and no, not the version that comes included with games.

ATi Drivers

nVidia Drivers

Xbox 360 Controller PC Drivers

PS3 Controller PC Drivers

PS4 Controller

JoyToKey controller / key remapper

Missing Drivers

There's so many driver fix sites and driver fix apps and they're all full of shit. And in 20 years driver booster is the only piece of software that actually finds missing drivers on almost every single system I've double checked. You can grab it for free on steam